Third International Fair for Cultural Grants

During the time of changes and insecurity, the best thing to do is to look into the eyes of uncertainty and start changing with the world.
On July 2nd, 2020, the Creative Europe Desk Ukraine with the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation would hold the traditional summer event — the Third International Fair for Cultural Grants. Information partners — NGO Information Analytical Center “Civic Space” and GURT Resource Center. This year, the format of an event is adapted to modern realities and will be held online. Virtual Fair Culture:Reload is a space for reflection and imagination.
How can we develop strong and creative projects? How can we reach a new audience? How can we bring experience on the international level? How can we be prepared for an uncertain future? These questions are in the basis of virtual fair, the main purpose of which is to present you grant opportunities, as well as encourage you to be brave, flexible and open-minded in your ideas — despite the usage of new business models and financial possibilities, creating new partnerships or appointing working methods from other sectors. Very often the best way of development is to learn something unexpected.
What is planned for the event July, 2nd?
- Panel discussions on the management of cultural projects, future of creative industries and international experience of Ukrainian applicants.
- Presentations of the current grant programmes for Ukrainian applicants (Creative Europe, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, House of Europe, Visegrad Fund, Ukrainian Institute, U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, „MEET UP! Deutsch-ukrainische Jugendbegegnungen“, Förderprogramm der Stiftung EVZ, International Renaissance Foundation, Zagoriy Foundation and others).
- Consultations with representatives of grant programmes.
- An information session on the EU Delegation to Ukraine call for proposals. Ukraine Civil Society Facility: advancing the role of civil society for better governance, human rights and culture, Lot 2 Recognition of key stakeholders in the field of culture (civil society, local authorities, other public sector bodies) as drivers of local development.
But that's not all! Throughout July, articles / podcasts / discussions / videos will be published every day on the platform of the Third International Fair for Cultural Grants Culture:Reload to excite your imagination and make you think outside the box. Also, you will have the opportunity to join a closed group on Facebook to network and search for projects or managers of your dream.
How to attend the virtual Fair?
You have to register by the link:
Only registered people would receive the link to join the Fair.
Registration is opened till June 26th.
Technical details of how to get the access to the event and to the platform of the Fair, as well as the full programme, all registered people would receive in June 2020.