International networking: cultural projects focused on Green Deal topics

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16:00 - 18:00
06 May 2021
Event on facebook

Creative Europe Desks from Ukraine, Latvia, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands organise a series of online networking events for cultural and creative representatives from throughout Europe. 

 During the 2-hour networking events, each participant will be able to meet prospective partners for their projects, pitch their idea to foreign colleagues, exchange experiences and challenges during these uncertain times when travelling and establishing personal meetings are not that easy. 

The second networking event — International networking: cultural projects focused on Green Deal topics — will take place on 6th May 2021 15:00 - 17:00 CET in Zoom.

 Who is the target audience of the event?

 Organizations from culture and creative sectors, which have environment oriented projects or ideas and want to find partners for cooperation on the international level and are interested in the European Green Deal. 

 We encourage you to apply for the event only if you already have / are looking for a project in that particular field. 

 To meet the territorial diversity of the event, only 10 participants from each country will be selected based on their motivation to work internationally. The participants are expected to present their project ideas, where they want to engage international partners and/or firm intention to cooperate with colleagues from the whole region within the respective topics.

 In order to participate in one of the networking sessions, please apply until 26th April via the following application form: 

Please note that the amount of places for the networking is strictly limited. All the selected applicants will be notified about selection results on the 3rd May 2021 at the latest. 

 This event is held in English with no translation and it is free of charge and open to all cultural and creative professionals with an interest in developing or strengthening European connections, partnerships and projects. 

logo of creative europe
Logo of Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
Logo of european commision
Логотип Міністерства Культури України