Workshop "Cross-cultural intelligence and creative business strategies"

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09:00 - 18:00
12 June 2019
Ukraine, Kyiv, PeremogaSpace
Event on facebook

During the workshop:

  • We will "decode" Software of the Mind (defining culture from the author of the theory of cultural dimensions G. Hofstede);
  • We will apply in practice cross-cultural models, big data and instruments, recognized by world science, governments and organizations, according to scenarios and questions that are relevant to your interests;
  • You will develop your cultural intelligence for developing the international strategies in marketing (markets, products, advertising, pricing), HR, communications and leadership in the creative business, and for implementation of your personal life strategies in globalized world.

Who is the facilitator?

Olena Mikhailenko-Blaion, PhD Econ., Researcher in Culture and Digital Learning, Ontario University of Technology, Canada; Rēzekne Technology Academy, Latvia; co-founder and cross-cultural consultant,, Canada; expert in cultural and creative industries, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

For whom?

For representatives of the creative business and organizations, representatives of the cultural and creative industries.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge, you just need to make the pre-registration:

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