Training on application forms for Creative Europe programme (Ternopil)

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10:30 - 18:00
08 November 2019
Ternopil, IT House Business (42 Bandery ave.)
Event on facebook

Training on application forms for Creative Europe programme will take place on 08 November 2019 in Ternopil. During the event representatives of the Creative Europe Desk Ukraine will pay attention to the "Support to European Cooperation Projects 2020" open call. Together with the participants, we will discuss following questions:

  • the actuality of the project (whether it is in time, its relevance to the cultural policy of the country, region, city etc.); 
  • communication strategy (how clear and appropriate is the project's communication strategy, including target audiences, channels, impact, timeline etc.).

We will also discuss the conditions that your project must meet in order to apply and how the application process goes.


logo of creative europe
Logo of Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
Logo of european commision
Логотип Міністерства Культури України