Third Annual International Forum "Creative Ukraine"

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10:00 - 18:00
14 November 2019 - 15 November 2019
Kyiv, ArtHall D12, 12 Desyatynna Str.
Event on facebook

In 14-15 November 2019 the Third Annual International Forum "Creative Ukraine" will take place in Kyiv.

This year's focus of the Forum is the integration of innovations into the development of creative industries. The first day of the forum is devoted to the presentation of latest trends in state policy in the field of creative industries in Ukraine, the position of Ukraine in the international cultural and economic space of creative industries as well as a discussion of digital competencies and innovative technologies in the culture and creative industries.

The second day of the forum is practically oriented: it is planned to develop the necessary tools for sustainable development of the creative industries in Ukraine, in particular in the areas of design, fashion, publishing and audiovisual sector.

Partner of the Forum — Creative Europe Desk Ukraine.

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Логотип Міністерства Культури України