State Jewish Theatre


Call Support to European Cooperation Projects 2025

Strand or category

√ Small Scale Cooperation Projects

√ Medium Scale Cooperation Projects

√ Large Scale Cooperation Projects

Name of the organisation State Jewish Theatre

Country Romania

Organisation website

Contact person Teodora Toader, [email protected], office@teatrul-, 0733.963.336, 021.323.45.30

Organisation type public organisation

Scale of the organization big organization

PIC number 886178809

Aims and activities of the organisation

Promote the Yiddish Culture through performing arts that bring to life the works of great Yiddish writers from Romania and around the world, as well as famous authors from different parts of the globe.

Role of the organisation in the project

Project partner

Sector or field performing arts

Description or summary of the proposed project

Gather talented actors with European Jewish heritage and

promote the transnational mobility of artists and cultural

professionals. Immerse them in the diverse world of Jewish

performing arts across different countries in Europe,

encouraging the transnational circulation of their creations.

Let's craft a diverse and inclusive cultural experience that

captures the essence of Jewish heritage.

From country or region Any European partner

Preferred field of expertise Performing arts, dance, operetta, musical, cultural education,

exhibitions, projects for the community, jewish heritage.

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Логотип Міністерства Культури України