
Name of organisation




Organisation website 

Contact person

Costas Galiotis, [email protected], +30-2610-965255

Organisation type

Public research organisation

Scale of the organization


PIC number


Aims and activities of the organisation 

The mission of the Institute is to conduct forefront scientific research, contribute to technological innovation, provide training and advanced education to new researchers, and contribute to the development of the Region of Western Greece, in particular, and the country as a whole. The Institute covers a broad range of disciplines within chemical engineering sciences: (i) nanotechnology & advanced materials, (ii) energy & environment, (iii) biosciences & biotechnology. In addition to the mainstream activities in these sectors, several major activities are promoted at the interfaces of these areas, creating a truly multidisciplinary work environment. The research results respond to modern societal challenges, like green energy, environment, and quality of life. The Institute also encourages strongly the exploitation of research results in the form of patents, licensing, and spin-off companies. The main assets of the Institute are the high quality of research personnel, its modern infrastructure, its efficient administrative and technical services, and the synergistic atmosphere that is constantly promoted.

We specialize in the protection of cultural heritage through the preparation of materials like:

PROTECTIVE MEMBRANES – paintings, sculptures, photographs, murals

ARTISTIC PAINTS – illustration, street art, graffiti

SENSORS – for the environmental control of art installations

Role of the organisation in the project

Project partner

Description or summary of the proposed project

We are looking to be partners in projects where we can contribute with our methodologies on how to apply novel low-dimensional materials like graphene in the conservation/preservation/restoration of cultural heritage.

We specialize in the preparation of protective membranes, artistic paints, sensors and 3D-printed composite materials. 

Please get in contact no later than

10th of December 2025

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Логотип Міністерства Культури України