ATENEUL NATIONAL IASI (Iasi National Athenaeum)


Name of the organisation ATENEUL NATIONAL IASI (Iasi National Athenaeum)

Country România

Organisation website

Contact person Delia Rosu ; [email protected]

Organisation type Public institution of culture

Scale of the organization Big size organisation

PIC number 894790663

Aims and activities of the


Iasi National Athenaeum is a public institution of culture,

with legal personality, performance institution, under the

authority of the Local Council of the Municipality of Iași, which

has a permanent artistic ensemble. Iasi National Athenaeum

carries out numerous projects regarding education through

culture, both for the young public and for adults.

From a cultural point of view: Cultural, in the year 2023

alone, the Athenaeum had over 1100 events, 13 theater

premieres, 10 art exhibitions, 492 film screenings, book

launches and other large-scale projects, we list just a few:

Romanian Sculptors' Month, Romanian Film Evenings,

Lăpușneanu Street Festival, Independent Theater Festival, 3

Tenors Tour etc.

In terms of international collaboration, the institution

enjoyed visibility for the large-scale events organized or

participated in, of which we list just a few: the International

Psychoanalysis and Film Festival, Requiem for Ukraine, the

International Theater Festival for children and youth "CĂRĂBUS"

and the "Gr.V.Birlic" International Youth Theater Festival, co-

organization of the "Grigore Vieru" International Poetry Festival

- XIV Edition, Maltepe Festival in Turkey.

In 2019, 100 years after its establishment, the Athenaeum of

Iasi held the longest and most resounding tour, entitled "Union

through Culture".

"Union through culture!" has represented, since its

establishment, the Athenaeum's motto and a vision that

meets the objectives of the project proposed for financing. From

the point of view of protecting and promoting immovable

cultural heritage, Athenaeum has been involved in a series of

projects aimed at modernizing the buildings that are in their

administration. We list only some of the projects: modernization

and re-functionalization of „Victoria” Cinema and „Tineretului”

Cinema, modernization of the building situated in the historical

center of Iasi, in Cuza str. Voda no. 46 („Actors’ House”).

Role of the organisation in

the project

Project Partner

Previous EU grants


From the point of view of experience regarding projects with

European funding within the institution, the

implemented projects are:

1. Project title: "ZETgeneration - Smile, Empathy,

Therapy" - Project financed by EEA Grants 2014-2021 within

the RO-CULTURE Program Status: in implementation;

Role in the project: leader.

Project implementation locations: Romania - Iași county,

respectively Norway - Oslo

The general objective of the project is represented by the

increase of access to culture, the development of the public,

cultural entrepreneurship, the reduction of economic and social

disparities in the EU Space with the help of theatrical art and

art therapy.

2. Project title: "Promoting Roma culture through

contemporary art. ANCIENT ROMAN STORIES"

Project financed by the SEE Grants 2014-2021 within the RO-

CULTURE Program, CALL 7 – Supporting

cultural initiatives about the Roma minority.

Role in the project: partner

Implementation locations: Romania, Neamt and Iași counties,

respectively Norway, Oslo

The project was implemented by the House of Culture "Ion

Creangă" Târgu Neamț, in partnership with

the National Athenaeum of Iasi and Dac Music Performance


The general objective of the project was to increase the level of

awareness and valorization of Roma culture through integrative

actions with cultural-artistic and professional content with the

involvement of Roma people from Neamț County.

3. Title of the project: "ART-DENTIFY YOURSELF - Unitary

Integration through Eliminated Roma Identity

Barriers in the North-East Region"

Project financed by the SEE Grants 2014-2021 within the RO-

CULTURE Program, CALL 7 – Supporting cultural initiatives

about the Roma minority.

Role in the project: partner

Implementation location: North-East region and Norway, Oslo

The project was implemented by the Love and Trust

Association, in partnership with the National Athenaeum of

Iasi, the Pro Roma Association and DAC MUSIC PERFORMANCE.

The general objective of the project: Improving the conditions

for the manifestation of Roma culture and increasing the

degree of inclusion and awareness of cultural identity through

performing arts, digital access and entrepreneurship.

Sector or field Visual arts, cultural heritage, international festivals,

photography, architecture, design, arts and technology,

performative arts;

Description or summary of

the proposed project

Searching for opportunities to join a consortium of partners.

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