Signes de sens


Call European Cooperation Projects 2025

Strand or category Small projects

Organisation website

Contact person Bobet Maëlle, mailto: [email protected]

Organisation type association

Scale of the organization Small, staff of 25 pers

PIC number 894179078

Aims and activities of the organisation

"Signes de sens" aims to improve society's accessibility for

individuals with sensory, psychological, cognitive, or mental disabilities. The organization works on developing innovative solutions to enhance access to information, communication, and learning in collaboration with various stakeholders.

Ultimately, it promotes diversity and inclusion and seeks to

improve services for everyone. "Signes de sens" supports and encourages cultural institutions such as museums, theatres, libraries, and independent artists in their efforts to enhance the accessibility of cultural spaces, services, and communication.

Additionally, it initiates programs to establish a common

culture that is accessible to all.

Sector or field Inclusion of disabled artists into the creative process, valorisation of their works, promotion of non-conventional art

Description or summary of the proposed project

Signes de Sens is looking to partner with organizations to

develop and experiment with innovative approaches to

facilitate the transition towards an inclusive culture. This

collaboration aims to work with artists with various disabilities to co-create instruments that can help them easily share their artistic work results with spectators and valorise its results. With 20 years of expertise in accessibility and artistic inclusion, and strong partnerships with different institutions in France, we have developed a deep understanding of these issues. We are now seeking a new partnership in Europe to continue our activities.

We propose to establish an international laboratory to

- collaboratively develop innovative approaches for cultural inclusion and accessibility.

-conduct interdisciplinary experiments.

- disseminate practical outcomes through training, workshops, and artistic expressions.

Partners currently involved in the project

-Créahm Bruxelles

From country or region All eligible countries

Preferred field of expertise Projects related to:

- The participation of people with disabilities in the field of


- Accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities. -

Technological solutions to automate and optimize the provision of accessibility services.

- Impact measurement and studies on impact and audiences with disabilities.

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