Théâtre de La Massue


Name of organisation Théâtre de La Massue

Country FRANCE

Organisation website

Contact person Ezequiel Garcia-Romeu

Organisation type Puppet Theatre Company

Scale of the organization 8 employees (artists included)

PIC number 912934319

Aims and activities of the


Le Théâtre de la Massue company, founded in 1983, based in

Nice (France) and directed by Ézéquiel Garcia-Romeu, is one of

the first contemporary puppet companies whose work is

presented on national stages and national drama centres in

France. In 1999, it took part in the Festival In d'Avignon, which

launched its international career. Today, the company is

actively involved in exploring new forms, such as contemporary

puppet projects, digital projects, set design and other

installations. Ézéquiel Garcia-Romeu was awarded a Villa-

Médicis Hors les murs in 2003-2004.

The company is also associated with the Université Nice Côte

d'Azur and regularly organises seminars for students in the

Performing Arts department. It regularly welcomes artists from

all over Europe for residencies and offers apprenticeships.

It has led an innovative digital project, Europe Créative

INEUPUP, which has helped to create a European synergy

around puppetry, involving a range of institutions (universities,

companies, theatres, local authorities, etc.) and spanning

research, production and transmission.

Role of the organisation in the project

Partner project

Previous EU grants received

INEUPUP Project (2018-2022)

Sector or field Puppetry / Theatre / Performing arts

Description or summary of

the proposed project

We are looking for partners and a leader to set up an

international cooperation project, on the Creation and

International Circulation axis, around an initiating academy

aiming at highlighting the Puppetry Arts, their diversity and

their richness, throughout Europe.

This academy would have three main axes of development:

Training: courses, workshops, learning techniques from

international masters, bringing together disciplines and

techniques from different regions, etc.

International professional networks: cross-cultural exchanges,

circulation of artists and knowledge, etc.

Promoting heritage: conservation of puppet collections,

promotion of tangible and intangible heritage, research into

historical techniques and materials related to puppetry and

their re-use, etc.

From country or region

Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Slovenia, Ukraine) + Northern

Europe (Sweden, Norway) + Mediterraean countries (Italy,

Spain, ...)

Preferred field of expertise Puppetry / National theaters / Universities of Art / Museums of

Arts / Puppets Theatre Companies / Territorial Authorities

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