Fonden Værtskabsteatret


Name of organisation

Fonden Værtskabsteatret



Organisation website

Contact person

Ulrik Birkkjær, Artistic Director,

+45 51 68 35 56 

Thomas Mieth, Festival Director, [email protected]

+45 51 92 42 39 

Organisation type

Non-governmental organisation

Scale of the organization


PIC number


Aims and activities of the organisation 

København Danser and Dance Maze is a foundation dedicated to supporting and enriching the dance community in Denmark. Its mission is to foster a love for dance and strengthen the dance environment through initiatives such as its well-established annual international dance festival and a dance studio/rehearsal space that benefits both professionals and community members.

København Danser/Dance Maze has been founded by former principal ballet dancer at The Royal Danish Ballet and San Francisco Ballet, Ulrik Birkkjær and former Stage Manager, Thomas Mieth.

Role of the organisation in the project

To be decided between the partners

Sector or field

Dance and Health

Description or summary of the proposed project

Dance as a solution for social and health issues: Exploring the therapeutic benefits and healing power of creative movement to enhance both mental and physical well-being.

Partners currently involved in the project

To be confirmed

From country or region

All eligible countries

(see exhaustive list of countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme)

Preferred field of expertise 

Dance, health, wellbeing

Organizations that work with "culture for health". These can be similar dance organisations, theatres, actors within the health sector as well as private companies with an interest in projects that explore how culture and art can improve health and well-being on both an individual and societal level.

Please get in contact no later than

15th of December 2024

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