CentreStage Malta


Name of organisation CentreStage Malta

Country Malta

Organisation website https://www.centrestage.mt/

Contact person Ms Tiziana Calleja, [email protected]

Organisation type Performing Arts School

Aims and activities of the

organisation EU projects

Role of the organisation in the project Project Coordinator/ partner

Sector or field Theatre, acting, singing, music,education

Description or summary of the proposed project

The project involves sharing of experiences and best practices through the organization of intensive workshops focusing on Musical Theatre, Dance, and Acting.

The project will span for duration of two years. This comprehensive programme aims to provide participants with a holistic understanding of performing arts while fostering practical skills and historical knowledge.

The first part of the project will involve gathering tutors from diverse backgrounds in the arts and sending them abroad.

Over a period of five days, these tutors will meet with their

counterparts in the host countries and participate in workshops where they will exchange skills. These daily five-hour workshops will enable the tutors to gain knowledge of different cultures, techniques, and backgrounds. After this phase, they will move on to the second part of the project.

Moving on to the second part of the project. Students with a

love toward the arts, musical theatre and performing arts will have the opportunity to go abroad and attend workshops with the tutors that have attended workshops developed for them to be able to teach these workshops to the students. The workshops will have a time span of 5 days as well. During these 5 days the students will have different tasks not just in studio but also going out in the community to explore and learn about the culture and the history of the city. The students will then incorporate what they have learnt during their exploring and share with the rest of the group and build the session through what they have observed with the guidance of their respective tutors.

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