Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška – KGLU, Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti


Call European Cooperation Projects 2025

Strand or category Small Scale Cooperation Projects

Organisation type Public and non profit organization

Scale of the organisation 10 employees, 581.800 EUR

PIC number 949196120

Aims and activities of the organization

KGLU, founded in 1957, is one of the most important

contemporary art galleries in Slovenia. Its 800 m2 of exhibition spaces host many domestic and international exhibitions covering an array of topical socio-political themes and representing works of both renowned and emerging artists alike.

The gallery’s most widely known collection, Gallery for Peace, is based on a series of international exhibitions held under the auspices of the United Nations. The museum’s work with these made a significant contribution to the city of Slovenj Gradec becoming a UN Peace Messenger City (1989).

Highlights from the collection: Jože Tisnikar / Bogdan Borčić /

Pino Poggi / Štefan Planinc / Franc Berneker / Nika Autor /

Daniel Buren / IRWIN / Johny Friedlaender / Metka Krašovec / Ivan Meštrović / Inge Morath / Zoran Mušič / Victor Vasarely / Vladimir Veličković / Karl Vouk / Ossip Zadkine /… /

Diverse programmes and features: exhibitions / guided tours / educational programmes / events / art contests for children and young artists / museum shop / reading room

KGLU is a public space that offers opportunities to learn and develop critical thought!

Role of the organization in the project

project partner

Previous EU grants received

If Creative Europe grants, please link to the project via the

Creative Europe Project Portal 2014-2016: Performing the museum (partner), Creative Europe 2016-2018: Story time – connecting people with the power of art (partner), Creative Europe,

2017-2018: My town is your town (coordinator), EU for citizens

– Town Twinning: (reference number: 589311)

Contact details and links Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti /Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška

Glavni trg 24

SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec

T: +386 2 620 3650

E: [email protected]


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