Tectonica Cultural Association


Organisation website www.tectonicacultural.org

Contact person Clara Albacete, [email protected], +34657106848

Organisation type Non-governmental organisation

Scale of the organization 5 employees

PIC number E10334632

Aims and activities of the organisation

-Campaigns, meetings, workshops, exhibitions and cultural

projects are developed as tools for social transformation.

-Committed to innovation, entrepreneurship and associations.

-Career guidance is offered through art and management

training courses for build successful careers and promote

change in the cultural sector.

-The work of artists committed to sustainability is


-Collaboration between entities and organizations is


The activities promote equality, sustainability, commitment

social and transformation, contributing to creating a more

equitable and conscious world.

Main projects:

The DAR Project (Rural Women Artists), AVER (Visual Artists in

Rural Environments) and Andanes d’Art. Catalog of artists,

spaces and cultural resources in Alboraya.

Role of the organisation in the project

Project partner

Which kind of projects are you looking for?

Visual Arts, Equality, Rural, Sustainability, Cultural


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Логотип Міністерства Культури України