Communauté de communes Marche occitane-Val d’Anglin (MOVA)


Name of organisation

Communauté de communes Marche occitane-Val d’Anglin (MOVA)



Organisation website

Contact person

Samuel Exley

Organisation type

Municipal body

Scale of the organization

PIC number


Aims and activities of the organisation 

Municipal body in Rural France with responsibility for Culture

Role of the organisation in the project

Coordination – aid in development 

Previous EU grants received


Sector or field


Description or summary of the proposed project

Experimental seed bank and incubator based around a farming museum to explore the future for rural communities in line with a local association that is exploring “The Image in movement” based around itinerant art exhibitions. 

Partners currently involved in the project

The PNR ( a Regional Park), the Priory of Saint-Benoît-du Sault (an exhibition space) – Bee Camp (an NGO based in Greece), the associations: La Balena Zoppa Aps, Proloco Valbrevenna, Zenzero Aps (Italy)

Preferred field of expertise 

Art, Photography, Museum, nature (hedgerows and forests)

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Логотип Міністерства Культури України