O t’aim


Name of organisation O t’aim

Country France

Organisation website https://otaim.net

Contact person Jean-Daniel Magnin

Organisation type Non profit association

Scale of the organization No permanent employees. 2 to 3 intermittent employees. Last annual budget: 9676€

PIC number 874221037

Aims and activities of thenorganisation

video theater writing workshop – dedicated to creation and

artistic education

Role of the organisation in the project

Leading role

Sector or field Cooperation / social inclusion

Description or summary of the proposed project

Inclusion of children from the Roma community in schools

through art education initiatives: continuation of our past 3

years action in 3 countries

Partners currently involved in the project

France :

“ADVOG - Tsiganes en France” - an association dedicated to

the cultural, social, economic and professional advancement of Gypsies and Travellers.

“Collège Nicolas Copernic”, Montmagny (95) in the northern

suburbs of Paris

From country or region Hungary and Italy

Preferred field of expertise associations whose actions include support for the school

inclusion of children from the Roma community, as well as

schools where Roma children are enrolled

Please get in contact no later than


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