no strings attached UG (haftungsbeschränkt)


Name of organisation

no strings attached UG (haftungsbeschränkt)



Organisation website

Http:// (preliminary site)

Contact person

Alexis Krüger

[email protected]

+49 179 903 88 32

Organisation type

private for-profit organisation

Scale of the organization


PIC number


Aims and activities of the organisation 

no strings attached is dedicated to pioneering digital puppetry.

We want to empower theatre performers and media developers to collaborate seamlessly, free from financial or technical barriers, and foster the creation of new and inspiring interdisciplinary projects. 

Committed to diversity and inclusivity, we aim to contribute to democratic education through our work.

Role of the organisation in the project

project conceptualization and project lead

Previous EU grants received

CE InnovLab 2024 within scope

Sector or field

performing arts, puppetry, theatre in education, gender studies, gaming

Description or summary of the proposed project

Code & Character: Break the Binary Code with Digital Puppets

This workshop blends digital puppetry, gaming technologies, and improv theatre to challenge traditional gender norms and stereotypes. 

Participants control and animate digital puppets, creating scenes that are recorded. After recording, they use simple editing tools to change the puppet's gender-related attributes, such as appearance and voice, while keeping its actions unchanged. This shift in perceived gender contrasts strikingly with ingrained gender roles, sparking thought-provoking discussions. Participants further explore these dynamics through additional performances, edits, and reflections.

The workshop encourages both critical reflection and creative expression in a safe, imaginative space, combining artistic practice with academic inquiry to reimagine gender norms. 

We aim to make this workshop available to organizations committed to fostering diversity and democracy.

Partners currently involved in the project

Design-partners in the Czech Republic, digital developers in Germany.

From country or region

Any applicable European country except Germany, Czech Republic. Project language is English.

Preferred field of expertise 

Theatre in education. Gender Studies

Please get in contact no later than

As soon as possible. Application in May 2025.

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