Centro Studi E.Di.Ma.S.


Name of organisation Centro Studi E.Di.Ma.S.

Country Italy

Organisation website www.edimas.net

Contact person Mail: [email protected] – T: +39 3923562333

Organisation type non-profit organization / association

Scale of the organization Small scale

PIC number 900600672

Aims and activities of the organisation

E.Di.Ma.S. is a nonprofit social promotion association

established in 2011 after the devastating earthquake that struck the city of L'Aquila and much of the Abruzzo region in central Italy. The founders after assessing the aftermath of the L'Aquila earthquake, they agreed that it was time to promote a strategic approach for integrated prevention through innovative ways of planning and complexity governance in order to make communities in their complexities more resilient.

The two main pillars of E.Di.Ma.S. are:

1) fostering the value of human capital for new approach of

social governance.

2) to promote effective knowledge transfer in strategic planning, also designed for more effective governance of prevention, crisis and emergency.

E.Di.Ma.S. has developed its own approach to resilience planning

and development, which includes the involvement of a

transdisciplinary teams, whit including expertise from

engineering, architecture, geology, law, mathematics,

physics...) as the first asset of a good educational strategy and effective land-use planning. One of the keys to success of the educational model created by E.Di.Ma.S. is the involvement of non-academic professionals: at least 70% of teachers are from industry and public institutions (knowledge combined with and

skills of management). Another main objective is the promotion of a broad and robust professional network of which members (teachers, professionals, managers, public officials) can share prevention and emergency management principles.

From the point of view of the communities, the goal is to have on a local scale the qualified human capital capable of dealing with the complexity of modern social development and prepare

both cities and internal areas to build performance indicators based on multi-risk analysis also in order to be able to more

easily obtain international funding (public and private), all this after having created local "control rooms" where citizens, institutions and businesses can contribute to socio-economic development in safety and with respect for environmental protection.

Role of the organisation in the project

Leader and Partner

Sector or field Cooperation project -

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