Ukrainian novel has been nominated for the main EU literature prize
Ukrainian writer Yevhenia Kuznetsova's novel "Ask Miechka" has been nominated for the main EU literature prize.
The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) recognizes young science fiction writers from the European Union and beyond. Involving countries participating in the European Union's Creative Europe program, the Prize celebrates 41 outstanding new literary talents over three years.
In 2022, fourteen authors from fourteen countries will take part. The winner of EUPL 2022 will be announced on 21 April during the opening ceremony at the Paris Book Fair. This year is special for the EUPL, as it changes the organization of the prize: instead of awarding one winner in each participating country, a seven-member European jury will award one overall winner for the first time, as well as five special nominations. Despite the selection of one overall winner, all nominated authors will be constantly promoted in the European literary space, seeking to reach a wider and international audience, as well as attract readers beyond their national and linguistic borders.
The authors and their novels were nominated by national organizations that are well known on the literary scene of their countries and are accustomed to promoting national literature abroad.
In particular, 14 nominees are:
• Austria: Peter Karoshi, Zu den Elefanten (The elephants), Publisher: Leykam Verlag;
• Bosnia and Herzegovina: Slađana Nina Perković, U Jarku (In the ditch), Publisher: Imprimatur;
• Belgium: Gaea Schoeters, Trofee (Trophy), Publisher: Uitgeverij Querido;
• Georgia: ივა ფეზუაშვილი (Iva Pezuashvili), ბუნკერი (A garbage chute), Publisher:
ინტელექტი (Intellect);
• Greece: Τάκης Καμπύλης (Takis Kampylis), Γενικά Συμπτώματα (Generla Symptoms),
Publisher: ΚΑΣΤΑΝΙΩΤΗΣ (Kastaniotis);
• Ireland: Tadhg Mac Dhonnagain, Madame Lazare, Publisher: Futa Fata;
• Italy: Daniele Mencarelli, Sempre tornare (Always return), Publisher: Mondadori;
• Lithuania: Tomas Vaiseta, Ch., Publisher: Baltos lankos;
• North Macedonia: Владимир Јанковски (Vladimir Jankovski), Скриени желби, немирни
патувања (Hidden Desires, Restless Travels), Publisher: Антолог (Anthology);
• Norway: Kjersti Anfinnsen, Øyeblikk for evigheten (Moments for eternity), Publisher: Kolon
• Romania: Raluca Nagy, Teo de la 16 la 18 (Cléo from 5 to 7), Publisher: Nemira;
• Slovakia: Richard Pupala, Ženy aj muži, zvieratá (Women and men, animals), Publisher: Lindeni;
• Spain: Jacobo Bergareche, Los días perfectos (Perfect days), Publisher: Libros del Asteroide;
• Ukraine: Євгенія Кузнєцова (Eugenia Kuznetsova), Спитайте Мієчку (Ask Miyechka),
Publisher: Видавництво Старого Лева (Old Lion Publishing House).
The EUPL remains committed to celebrating diverse literature and cultures, which is especially important in these uncertain times. The EUPL consortium is honoured to be able to include a nomination from Ukraine on the 2022 list and stand in solidarity with Ukraine in particular, with Ukrainian writers, translators, publishers, booksellers and librarians. Four years ago, the EUPL had a first Ukrainian laureate, Haska Shyyan, and in 2022, the Ukrainian Book Institute has nominated Eugenia Kuznetsova as the best emerging fiction voice in the country. Together with the book community across the world, the EUPL consortium condemns the Russian attacks and calls for the restoration of peace in Ukraine.
Eugenia Kuznetsova is a Ukrainian author, translator, and researcher. She was born and spent her childhood in the village of Khomutyntsi in central Ukraine. After graduating Kyiv National University, she received her PhD in literary analysis in Spain. Now, Eugenia works in media research, focusing on conflict-sensitive reporting and countering disinformation, and translates fiction and non-fiction. So far, Eugenia has published two books. Her first book “Cook in Sorrow” published in 2020. Her second book “Ask Miyechka” was shortlisted for BBC News Ukraine Book of The Year in 2021. Now, she works on the monography on Soviet linguistic and identity policies and another novel. Both books are to be published in 2022.
European Union Prize for Literature is organised by a Consortium of associations comprising the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF), with the support of the European Commission (through the Creative Europe program).