Make More
Czech Republic
Name of organisation
Make More
Czech Republic
Organisation website
Contact person
Michaela Kašpárek Mixová, [email protected]
Organisation type
Scale of the organization
Small organization
PIC number
Aims and activities of the organisation
Make More and FabLab Brno won the bid for organizing the largest international conference of FabLab community from all over the world - FAB2025 in the Czech Republic! Become a partner for this special opportunity for the Central and Eastern Europe!
The mission of Make More is to provide access to creation and technology for the general public. We have been organizing Maker Faire festivals in the Czech Republic (11 cities, 30k visitors). We connect and develop the maker community. We have experience in building and managing workshops and so-called FabLabs in the Czech Republic.
Role of the organisation in the project
Sector or field
Maker Movement, FabLabs, Creative Industries, Emerging Technologies
Description or summary of the proposed project
We would like to participate and contribute with our expertise in a project which tackles one of the following topics:
- Fablabs: history, present, and future
- Emerging technologies
- From maker to market
- Community development and outreach
- Building competences for the digital age
The project can be presented at the largest and most prestigious conference on digital manufacturing for innovators and operators of FabLabs from around the world - conference FABx.
Make More and FabLab Brno won the bid for organizing this unique international conference in 2025 in the Czech Republic! Become a partner and help us to utilize the potential for the Central and Eastern Europe!
Partners currently involved in the project