Sisu Studio S.L


Call Support to European Cooperation Projects 2024

Strand or category Small & Medium Scale Cooperation Projects

Name of organisation Sisu Studio S.L

Country Spain

Organisation website

Contact person Uxue Montero , [email protected], +34 699208617

Organisation type private for profit organisation

Scale of the organization 2 founder employees, 98.384,19 €

PIC number 880008833

Aims and activities of the organisation

EMOVERE (Sisu Studio S.L) is a company specialized in immersive and interactive 3D/ 360o high resolution photographic digitalization. We work with a self-developed software;, which allows multilingual and inclusive storytelling, adaptable to diverse and new audiences. EMOVERE operates in the cultural tourism and heritage sector, promoting the visibility and online dissemination of artistic creations, heritage collections and cultural heritage in an avant-garde way.

Our goal is to offer our experience (+25 years) digitizing visually with the latest technologies, incorporating also our software that allows to work online and in multiple languages.

Role of the organisation in the project

Project partner

Previous EU grants received

Next Generation EU : Digitalisation, conservation and

dissemination of HD heritage (

Which kind of projects are you looking for?

Virtual/Inmersive/3D/Augmented Reality for Cultural Exploration, Interactive Platforms for Digital Tourism, Educational Mobile Applications, Digitization of Historical Archive, Interactive Exhibitions in Museums, Workshops and Training in Cultural Technology, Studies of Cultural Impact, International Collaborations for Cultural Tourism,

Digital Marketing and Social Media for Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Cultural Tourism, Digitization of Cultural and Touristic Heritage, Multilingual Immersive and Educational Experiences, Application of Digitization in Various Sectors, Cultural Works and Preservation, Geographical and Business Expansion, Commercialization of Own Software, Conservation and Education, visual/3D and photography interactive technology studies, Inmaterial

heritage digitization.


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Логотип Міністерства Культури України