Nuits des Forêts
Name of organisation Nuits des Forêts
Country France
Organisation website
Contact person Adèle Scheuer-Rothan ([email protected]) & Clara
Anguenot ([email protected])
Organisation type Association / non-profit organization
Scale of the organization National and local scale
PIC number -
Aims and activities of the organisation
Created in 2021, Nuits des Forêts (which translation means
“Forests Nights”) aims to raise public awareness concerning
forestry issues in the context of climate change.
Our association initiates and takes part in several actions of
awareness and mobilization of citizens, in order to contribute to
a new project of society for forests by reconnecting citizens to the living world. In over 200 French forests, Nuits des Forêts coordinates and
organizes the first festival of national scale dedicated to forests in France with educational activities mixed with an artistic program. By bringing together a wide variety of actors and promoting
dialogue between forests, art and citizens, Nuits des Forêts
wishes to promote new balances between humans and the
living at the level of each territory and the emergence of new collective narratives.
Role of the organisation in the project
Leader Nuits des Forêts could be the leader by connecting multiple actors of its national network including various fields : forests, culture, and citizens.
We might also be open to be partners of projects linked to our missions that could benefit from our network in France.
Sector or field Cultural activities linked with environmental issues, more particularly forestry issues
Description or summary of the proposed project
The project aims to collect stories concerning the emotion with
regard to forestry landscapes evolution in Europe with a
sensitive and pluridisciplinary approach including art, sciences, and human sciences.
The idea is to explore a processus of collective creation and
collection of stories from citizens, artists, searchers and
forestry professionals about one topic. We are interested to
work on the topic of the transformation of forests. Forests are changing through fires, forestry, sicknesses, or actions of preservation. As inhabitants of territories, we are affected by all these changes around us. We can even experience solastalgia. What testimonies can we offer about it? How do these stories pass the borders? How do our artistic, scientific and citizen visions change or join from one country to another? The goal is to write collective and sensitive stories on forests that transcends the borders. The project aims at connecting multiple fields: forests concerns, art, and citizens engagement.
This project of “stories on forestry landscapes” could take
many forms like art creation, workshops, conferences, talks
with artists, local environmental NGOs, scientific researchers,
forestry professionals, and citizens, or even performances.
Partners currently involved in the project
Not yet -
Discussions engaged with French and Belgian
From country or region -Priority to : Germany, Belgium & Italy
But open to other countries as well!
Preferred field of expertise Artistic and cultural programmation: art installations &
exhibitions, performances (with use of natural resources
or inspired by the living);
Research and knowledge transmission concerning
environmental topics linked to forests : biodiversity, water and carbon cycles, soils...
Please get in contact no later than 20thst of January 2025