Didark. Didáctica y Cultura
Name of organisation Didark. Didáctica y Cultura
Country Spain
Organisation website https://didark.es/
Contact person Sofía Copado, [email protected]
Organisation type Private for profit organisation
Scale of the organization Small
PIC number 915560982
Aims and activities of the organisation
Didark is an entity dedicated to the dissemination of culture in all its extension, with the main objective of offering a series of cultural services. Our intention is to disseminate and promote historical, artistic and cultural heritage at all levels of society, with a didactic, playful and participatory methodology.
Role of the organisation in the project
Previous EU grants received
STORYLINE: STORYtelling for (Language) Learning in an
Interactive and Non-formal Environment
Sector or field Cultural heritage, visual arts, literature, architecture, arts and technology, archaeology, sound and music, education