Associacion Arte Sostenible
Organisation website
Contact person Jaime Lopez / email: [email protected]
Organisation type Non-governmental organisation
Scale of the organization Small organization
PIC number 897155620
Aims and activities of the organisation
Promote social and environmentally sustainable
development through visual arts and cultural heritage
socio-educational projects. To fulfill this purpose, Arte
Sostenible curates and produces exhibitions, organise
workshops, and participates in conferences to raise public
awareness about social inclusion, environmental
preservation, and cultural heritage values. Arte
Sostenible also offers an extensive educational and
mentoring program in the fields of cultural management,
curatorship, museology, and visual arts promotion
Role of the organisation in the project
Project partner
Which kind of projects are you looking for?
Cultural heritage, museums, visual arts, cultural management,
sustainability, education.Cultural initiatives aimed at
addressing societal and ecological challenges.